Saturday 29 April 2023

The Last Day Remarque First Day for The Last Day sale ends in about two hours.

Hi, Everybody!

The First Day for the Last Day sale ends at 11:59PM Eastern Time (10:59 here in the Central Time Zone.) About two hours from now. Over at $79 Canadian Dollars ($57.85 USD).

At Midnight Eastern, 11PM here, 9PM Eddie's time. Shrove Tuesday on the other side of the world (time zones ARE weird man...), the price goes up to $99 Canadian ($72.50 USD).

Points from the comments on yesterday's post that need clearing up:
Steve asked:

Did Gerhard do some traveling to sign these, or sign unbound covers, or what?

The minutia police wanna know, don't you know!

I said that I'd ask Dave for Please Hold For Dave Sim 5/2023 which (God willing and the creek don't rise) we'll be recording this upcoming Thursday, May 4th. Get your questions in to by Wednesday night when I send the fax... 

Anyway, Gerhard dropped a line to let me know:
Hi Matt,

Hope you and yours are doing well.

I have noticed that there is an inordinate (two people) amount of interest in how/why I came to sign the LastForm&VoidDay edition.

(I would post a comment on Facebook or AMOC , but I don't want to. If anyone has a question for or about me, they don't have to wait for special "phone-in" show or have to have a fax machine; they can reach me at

Here's the incredibly uninteresting answer:

I was already going into Studiocomix Press to sign my bookplates for the Waverly Press edition of The Last Day.

Alfonso called to say that they were ready. He also told me that Aardvark-Vanaheim would pay me to sign some books while I was there.
I said, 'sure'.

Wow. No wonder nobody writes.
Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness? -Artemus Ward
Good man that Gerhard. With a battalion like him we could conquer the daiquiri bar at that little place on the beach Seiler talked about a lot. YOU can also ask Ger TO HIS FACE, any little thing you wanna know next weekend. (As long as you're in Indiana. 'cause that's where his face will be. (Along with the rest of him. And Shelley. And art prints and such. Sounds like a good time. Infinitely better than spending the weekend editing videos of my phone call to Dave... What?) 

Richard P said:
Pesky wierdo from an non-real country here. So we have to wait, to (maybe) get the chance, to pay non-first day prices, in addition to the privilege of having to suffer over the top postage costs.

Is this a jumping off point? Should I streamline my A-V ordering process to the zero cost option? Shame since I date back to first edition High Society phonebook.

Probably not but.....
I said: I just don't think Dave is there mentally yet. Once he knows that domestic sales are working the way he wants, he'll turn to the all the folks in the sunny vacation spots. I'm going to suggest a "foreign First Day" price to him, for when he gets to that point. (Maybe a First Day for The Last Day weekend because of Time Zones and some of you living in Next Week Tuesday...)

Which is on my list to ask Dave. Speaking of "The Big, Giant Head", incoming message from him:

Which is when Dave will start trying to figure out how to sell to the rest of the world without A: losing money in the deal, and B: looking like a big, fat hog. (And getting slaughtered. Shipping is a bitch...)

Okay, and it was my kid's dance recital today, so that's why it's a "about two hours left" update and not a "twelve hours to go" update. 

So here's your Moment from Cerebus:

Swords of Cerebus Vol. 1 in Portuguese. 54% funded with 1 days left.
Heritage has the page from Minds where Cerebus asks what the hell the things around his neck are. And other neat stuff.
New one!
Oliver's Cerebus movie: The Absurd, Surreal, Metaphysical, and Fractured Destiny of Cerebus the Aardvark it's currently available on "Plex", "Xumo", "Vimeo On Demand", "Tubi". If you're in Brazil..."Mometu", "Nuclear Home Video".
Up to 35% off site-wide:  
April 29-30
Tell your fans! Remind them that everything will be up to 35% off 
Next Time: Anybody want to see the "unsped up" version of the video of Dave doing the Remarque?


Richard P. said...

Thanks Matt for the understanding and support.

One point, whilst UK postage tariffs may now need to be paid upfront, I would be surprised if books are affected. They were always 0% tariff and 0% tax (in my 15+ years working in international shipping). Don't think it has changed. But it has got more complicated lately.

john g. said...

But we fans would love a special “phone in” show with Gerhard. Also, maybe a panel discussion featuring Dave, Deni, and Gerhard. Sweeps week is coming (?). Make it happen, AMOC!

Dave Philpott said...

Any idea when the Hard cover will be available?

Mouse Skull Entertainment said...

Dave P.: Yes. I have an idea of when the hardcover will be available.

Oh, will I tell you?

Not until after T8 starts shipping at the EARLIEST.
